Full Vegetable Plan

A weekly share of quality, seasonal vegetables, picked fresh from our farm.  Season runs 13 weeks, July through September.  Each share contains 6-8 seasonal varieties.  Included with each plan:

  • Vegetable Availability Guide
  • Produce Storage Guide e-Book
  • CSA Tips for Success e-Book
  • Weekly Newsletter 
  • FREE Delivery* or FREE Pickup**

Full Plan: $550 ~ 13 weeks

*limited to our delivery area                      ** pick up is the Color Your World parking lot

* Alternate Payment Option – 50% Down, 50% due May 31.
Not available online – contact for details.

Half Vegetable Plan

A weekly share of quality, seasonal vegetables, picked fresh from our farm.  It contains half the volume of our full plan.
Season runs 13 weeks, July through September.  Each share contains 6-8 seasonal varieties.  Included with each plan:

  • Vegetable Availability Guide
  • Produce Storage Guide e-Book
  • CSA Tips for Success e-Book
  • Weekly Newsletter
  • FREE Delivery* or FREE Pickup*
Half Plan: $300 ~ 13 weeks
*limited to our delivery area                     ** pick up is the Color Your World parking lot

* Alternate Payment Option – 50% Down, 50% due May 31.           Not available online – contact for details.

 About FREE Home Delivery **

Have your vegetable share delivered to your door.
We will deliver your share Wednesday mornings
between 9:00 and 11:30 am. Please provide
a cooler with ice packs in a shady spot.
The sooner you get your vegetables inside, the better. 
** limited to our delivery area - ask for details

Egg Options

Have our delicious eggs along with your Vegetable Share! 

Full Plan - $113.75 weekly (13 doz.)

Half Plan - $61.25 biweekly (7 doz.)

Fruitful Hill Farm
RR 2 Bruce Mines, ON P0R 1C0

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